Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 23

January 23 The heart is deceitful about all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it. Have you ever opened a new bag of apples and found one right in  the middle that's totally rotten Did you notice how the apples around that one are beginning to rot too Yeah rottenest spreads The same is true of what's in your heart. Okay let's back up a minute Have you been complaining that your life is rotten things are just not going well. Stop and look at your own heart. If there is hatred selfishness lies deceit or other rottenness living there that will come out in your life. Maybe some of your problems could possibly be your own fault. So maybe it would be a good idea to stop complaining about others or about your situation and clean your heart admit sinfulness confess it and repent Start fresh. Prayer Dear God it's hard to admit the wrong things I've done but I want to and to ask forgiveness please help me start fresh today. Amen. 

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