Thursday, January 31, 2019


Image result for songs of song
Quickly overview of Song of Songs 1
The title, Introduction to the couple set the main action the quiet to find satisfaction in love and the style of the book The lovers' dialogue. 
Quickly overview of Song of Songs 2
Wedding poems, Songs of two people in love.
A miscellaneous romantic fragment including the climax toward which the whole book moves.  The woman plea for permanence in love.   
Key verse 1
God saw everything that
he  had made and behold
Key verse 2
Sin is crouching at the 
door eager to control
Key verse 3
Because you have  obeyed
GOD. God will certainly bless
Key verse 4
The Lord said, ''I am not worthy
of all the unfailing love and faithfulness
you have shown to me your servant.
Key Verse 5
You meant evil
against God but 
God meant it for
Key verse 6
I am the Lord 
I will free you 
from oppression and
will rescue you from
your slavery in Egypt. 
Key verse 7
This is what 
the Lord the 
God of the 
Key verse 8
ten plagues part 1
Key verse 9
Ten plagues part 2
Key verse 10
Ten Commandments part 1
Have no other gods
Have no graven images
Respect God's name
Remember the Sabbath
Honor your parents
Key verse 11
Ten Commandments part 2
Don't  murder
Don't commit adultery
Don't steal
Don't lie
Don't covet
Key verse 12
Fear of the Lord
is the foundation 
of true knowledge.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Passover Festival
The deliverance of the Israelites
the Jewish nation from slavery 
in Egypt is the comment by the
Passover Festival.
Passover Festival 2
The word Passover recall 
how God allowed the plague 
to pass over the home of the 
Passover Festival 3
Each year the festival 
is celebrated in the Jewish
the household  with a special
a meal  of roasted lamb unleavened 
bread and bitter herbs.
Image result for Hyssop bible
Hyssop 1 
Although hyssop is mentioned
many times in the Bible we eat
certain of the plant's identity.
Hyssop 2
Hyssop was used in the 
Passover rain for the purification
of lepers care for plague and in
Hyssop 3
The herb we know
a hyssop today grass 
throughout southern Europe.


Hyssop 3
The herb we know
a hyssop today grass 
throughout southern Europe.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Image result for flower
Jesus calling  1
Keep your focus on Jesus.
Jesus calling 2
I have gifted you with amazing freedom
including the ability to chose the point of your mind.
Jesus calling 3
Only the crown of, my creation has
such a remarkable capability this
is a sign of being made in my image.
Jesus calling 4
Let the goal of this be to bring every thought and
captive to Me.
Jesus calling 5
Whenever your mind
wanders lasso those thoughts'
and bring them into my presence.
Jesus calling 6
In  my radiant Light, anxious thoughts shrink
and away.
Jesus calling 7
Trust is a golden pathway to heaven.
Jesus calling 8
When you walk on this path you live about
more brightly on your circumtances 

Monday, January 28, 2019


Verses from bible

Related imageDeuteronomy 10:1-2 At that time the Lord said to me carve out two tabletsof stone like the former ones and come up to me on the mountain and make an ark of wood. I will write on the tablet the words the which you're smashed. 
Proverbs 2:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

John 1:1

Image result for gospel of johnJohn  1:1 In the beginning, was the Word was with  God. 

Friday, January 25, 2019


Joseph and his Brothers 
1. Joseph was  not dead he was alive in Egypt. The traders had sold him to a rich family.
2. Joseph did very well there because God  was with him. 
3. Joseph lived for many years in Egypt. God gave him success in whatever he did.
4. In time, Joseph became a powerful man in Egypt second only to Pharoah the king. Pharaoh was the title given to an ancient Egyptian king.
5. God had given Joseph the gift of seeing into the future by explaining dreams. 
6. Pharaoh had two dreams that worried him. In one dream seven fat ears of grain were swallowed by seven thin ears of grain.
7.In another seven  fat cows were eaten by seven skinny ones. Joseph said that in seven years rain would not fall and crops would not grow.
8.There would be a great famine. This meant that the people of Egypt had seven years to get ready. 
9. A famine is a drastic wide-reaching food shortage in which there is not enough food to keep people alive. It is often the result of  bad weather. 
10. Seven years later  the great famine came. Because  of Joseph Egypt had food But people from other lands had none. 
11. One day a family of brothers from the land of Canaan came before Joseph. They saw a handsome man in fine robes with a gold chain around his neck. They bowed down to Him. The men were Joseph's brothers. The dreams he had when he was seventeen had come true. 
12. Egypt had food because Joseph had persuaded Pharoah that the people of Egypt needed to store their grain in preparation. Every your some the harvest was stored so that when the crops failed. Egypt still had grain with which to feed the people. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Related image\
Jesus calling 1
I am able to do far 
beyond all that 
you ask or imagine. 
Jesus callin g 2
Come to me Jesus with
positive expectation 
knowing that is no limit
to what I can accomplish.
Jesus callin g 3
Jesus wants you to learn a
new habbit. 
New Song about Jesus 1
Jesus is Lamb of God.

Jesus is Lamb of God.
Jesus is Lamb of God.
He is Lamb of God
He is Lamb of  God.

New Song about Jesus 2
Jesus is Son of God 

Jesus is Son of God
Jesus is Son of God
He is Son of God
He is Son of God.
Related image
New Song about Jesus 3
Jesus forgives your sin

Jesus forgives your sin
Jesus forgives your sin
He forgives your sin
He forgives your sin.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Journ al

Image result for jesus
Jesus calling 1
I also know the plan and
I have a plan for 
you; plans to give
you hope and 
Jesus calling 2
Give yourself fully 
to this adventure
of increasing attentiveness.
Jesus  calling 3
Relax in my healing
Presence. As you
spend time with 
me Jesus your 
thoughts tend
to jump ahead
to today's plans
and problem.
Jesus calling 4
Bring your mind 
back to Me Jesus
for refreshment
and renewal.
Jesus calling 5
Let the Light of 
My presence soak
into you focus your
thoughts on Jesus.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Related image
Jesus Calling 1
Come to me (Jesus) with a touchable spirit eager to be changed. A close walk with Me  Jesus is a life of continual newness.
Jesus Calling 2
Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Instead, seek My (Jesus') Face with an  open mind knowing your journey with Me (Jesus) involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Jesus Calling 3
As you focus your thoughts on aware
that I am fully attentive to you.
Jesus Calling 4
I see you with a steady eye because
My attention span it is infinite.
 Jesus Calling 5
I  know and understand
\you completed you completely
my thoughts embrace you in everlasting

Monday, January 21, 2019


Image result for Young Jesus in  the Temple
Young Jesus in the Temple 1.
Jesus lived with his parents and his 
brothers and sisters in Narazeth. Whenever Jesus was twelve years old his parents took Jesus to Jerusalem for the celebration of Passover. 
Young Jesus in the Temple 2
Every year the Jews celebrated Passover to   remember the time when Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt where they had been slaves. 
Young Jesus in the Temple 3
After the celebration in Jerusalem Mary and Joseph left the city to go back home. They thought that Jesus was going back with some other people. 
Young Jesus in  the Temple 4
But when they looked for him the next day they could not find him anywhere. Mary and Joseph turned around and went back to Jerusalem. For three days they looked for  Jesus. Finally, they found him. 

Young Jesus in the Temple 5

Jesus was in the Temple with some teachers. He was listening to them and asking questions. The teachers were surprised at how much the boy knows.
Young Jesus in  the Temple 6
When his parents saw Jesus they ran up
to him. Why have you done this to us. Mary asked We have looked for you everywhere. Jesus answered Why did you have to look for me. Didn't you know that I would be in my Father's house 
Jesus was talking about his Father. God but his parents didn't understand.
Jesus went back with them Nazareth He became wise and grew strong God was pleased with him. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019


Chronicles 16:11
Seek the Lord and His strength Seek his face evermore.

Image result for 1 Chronicles 14:2Chronicles 14:2 So David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel for his kingdom was highly exalted for the sake of His people Israel.
Related image
1 Chronicles 22:1
Then David said, This is the house of the Lord God and this is the altar of burnt offering for Israel.

Friday, January 18, 2019


This Wicked Haman Paragraph 1

Your downfall has begun 
Zeresh warned Haman 
If Mordecai is the Jewish
people for sure You'll fall. 

Deborah Judges Israel Paragraph 1
One of Israel's judges was Deborah
She was the only woman ever 
to judge Israel. People would come
to see her in  the hills of Ephraim.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Relax in Christ's healing presence.   As you spend time with Christ your thoughts tend to jump ahead to today's plans and problems.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Isaac a Test

One day  God told Abraham to kill Isaac as a sacrifice or offering to God. It was a test to see if Abraham's faith in God was strong. Abraham was just about to kill his son when God said, Stop To find out more about Abraham turn to the pages on Lot Isaac and Sarah.

The Journey
Abraham and his people traveled for a long time living in tents. Their first stop in Canaan was Shechem. Here God told Abraham I will give this land to you and your people.  

A promise
Abraham was to become the father or founder of
the Jewish nation God told Abraham  You will have as many descendants as stars in the sky. Abraham was surprised because he and Sarah were very old and had no children. But soon  Sarah did give birth to a son called Isaac. 

The Serpent
The Devil pretended to be a 
serpent or snake. Slithering 
up to Eve, he  told her that
if she ate the forbidden fruit
God knowing good and evil.
Tempted by the fruit and greedy 
for more power. Eve ate some Then she gave fruit to Adam to eat too. 

Amos was a sheep farmer from Tilden
a small mountain village south of Jerusalem in the southern kingdom of Judah Amos was sent by God to the northern kingdom of Israel where he saw the wickedness of the rich people He was very  angry and wanted everyone to know it.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Related image

New Song #8 -Come to Jesus with a teachable spirit to be changed.

Come to Jesus with a teachable spirit to be changed.
Come to Jesus with a teachable spirit to be changed.
Come to Christ with a teachable spirit to be changed.
Come to Christ with a teachable spirit to be changed.

New Song #9- Refresh yourself in the Peace of God's presence.
Refresh yourself in the Peace of God's presence.
Refresh yourself in the Peace of God's presence.
Refresh yourself in the Peace of the Lord's presence.
Refresh yourself in the Peace of the Lord's presence.

New Song #10- Jesus is Lord of Lords
Jesus is Lord of Lords
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
He is Lord of Lords
He is Lord of Lords.

Monday, January 14, 2019


New song  #5 God is always with you
God is always with you.
God is always with you.
Jesus is always with you.
Jesus is always with you.

New Song #6  I will praise the Lord because He is so good.

I will praise the Lord because He is so good.
I will praise the Lord because He is so good.
I will praise God because He is good.
I will praise God because He is good.

New Song #7 Jesus is King of Kings
Jesus is King of Kings
Jesus is King of Kings

He is King of Kings
He is  King of Kings

Saturday, January 12, 2019


New song #3 God loves you very much
God loves you very much.
God loves you very much.
Jesus loves you very much.
Jesus loves you very much.
New song #4 Jesus died on the cross for your sins
Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
Jesus died on the cross for your sins.

Jesus died on the cross for you.

Jesus died on the cross for you.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Acts 2:34
New song #1 God is  good at all the times
God is so good at all the times.
God is so good at all the times.
The Lord is so good at the times.

The Lord is so good at the times

New song #2 Holy, Holy, Holy, Jesus is holy pure and perfect. 
Holy Holy Holy Jesus is holy pure and perfect
Holy Holy Holy Jesus  is holy pure and perfect.
Jesus you are holy pure 
Jesus you are holy pure.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Practice trusting me (Jesus) during quiet days when nothing much seems to be happing. then when storms come trust balance will be sufficient to see you through.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Jesus part 2

Jesus Calling part 2
Come  to me with a teachable spirit eager to be changed.  A close walk Me is a life of continual newness.

Monday, January 7, 2019


Image result for flower
psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want. 

Image result for flower
Song of Solomon 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine;

Saturday, January 5, 2019


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Psalm 8:9 O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4

Image result for flower
Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you declares the not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Image result for flowersPsalm 48:1 Hear this O Jacob who  are called by the name of Israel and who came forth from the loins of Judah.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2

Image result for flowersGenesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and Earth.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1 23019

JANUARY 1 2019
Exodus 40:1-2 The Lord spoke to Moses On the first day of the first month you shall set up the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.
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