Joseph and his Brothers
1. Joseph was not dead he was alive in Egypt. The traders had sold him to a rich family.
2. Joseph did very well there because God was with him.
3. Joseph lived for many years in Egypt. God gave him success in whatever he did.
4. In time, Joseph became a powerful man in Egypt second only to Pharoah the king. Pharaoh was the title given to an ancient Egyptian king.
5. God had given Joseph the gift of seeing into the future by explaining dreams.
6. Pharaoh had two dreams that worried him. In one dream seven fat ears of grain were swallowed by seven thin ears of grain.
7.In another seven fat cows were eaten by seven skinny ones. Joseph said that in seven years rain would not fall and crops would not grow.
8.There would be a great famine. This meant that the people of Egypt had seven years to get ready.
9. A famine is a drastic wide-reaching food shortage in which there is not enough food to keep people alive. It is often the result of bad weather.
10. Seven years later the great famine came. Because of Joseph Egypt had food But people from other lands had none.
11. One day a family of brothers from the land of Canaan came before Joseph. They saw a handsome man in fine robes with a gold chain around his neck. They bowed down to Him. The men were Joseph's brothers. The dreams he had when he was seventeen had come true.
12. Egypt had food because Joseph had persuaded Pharoah that the people of Egypt needed to store their grain in preparation. Every your some the harvest was stored so that when the crops failed. Egypt still had grain with which to feed the people.
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