Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Passover Festival
The deliverance of the Israelites
the Jewish nation from slavery 
in Egypt is the comment by the
Passover Festival.
Passover Festival 2
The word Passover recall 
how God allowed the plague 
to pass over the home of the 
Passover Festival 3
Each year the festival 
is celebrated in the Jewish
the household  with a special
a meal  of roasted lamb unleavened 
bread and bitter herbs.
Image result for Hyssop bible
Hyssop 1 
Although hyssop is mentioned
many times in the Bible we eat
certain of the plant's identity.
Hyssop 2
Hyssop was used in the 
Passover rain for the purification
of lepers care for plague and in
Hyssop 3
The herb we know
a hyssop today grass 
throughout southern Europe.

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