Thursday, May 31, 2018

may 31

👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳👳May 31

Submit yourselves then to God. The check-out line in the grocery store is a classic place to see a two years old throw a tantrum The little cutie sees candy rack and starts grabbing Mom gently says No and puts the candy back The child registers her desires by screaming kicking and throwing  herself down on the floor Submitting to Mom's decision is not an easy or popular choice. But you didn't ever do that did you. Submitting is not easy even to God if you don't give up your own will if you're going to resist obeying God and resist His guidance in your life. you will have problems the key here is so understand that God really really loves you. He wants good things for you so submitting to Him will bring good things for you. Dear God I know I need to read Your Word and talk to you every day so that I'm the connected to You my power sources. I guess trusting you has to come before submitting to You You can't help me with stuff  until I do both of those things Please help me trust you more Amen.   


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

,mayy 30-


May 30 

Be strong in the Lord and His mighty power.
You might be surprised to know that God never promised you happiness You can read though the Bible but won't find a verse where God promises happiness What he did promises is that if you find purpose in your life. He wants to use what your gifts are and how He wants to use them. He promised over and over that He will help you with the tough times in life. if you will turn to Him. When you've got problem don't put your hope in stuff or in people Decided right now they you will automatically turn  to God and trust His power Then stay close to Him or a daily basis so you won't have far  to turn. 


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 29

👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅May 29
Like clay in the hand of the potter so are in My hand. A potter begins his work by putting a big glob of wet clay on potter wheel. He works with it shaping it gently but firmly tossing water on it when it gets too dry. The potter patiently shapes  the clay into the piece of pottery that he knew it could be the result is a beautiful useful piece of pottery. God says that you are like that piece of clay in His hand. He will shape you and form you into the person He knows you can be. That means when you have problems and need help He will be there He will use problems and stresses as well as happiness and joy to shape your life. Dear God sometimes it hurts to be shaped like pottery Help me remember that You are helping me become better person  by the things in my life Amen. 

Monday, May 28, 2018

m,aY 28

 May 28 My grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in weakness.  Were you ever given a really cool present for no reason at all It    wasn't  your birthday or Christmas Did that make you feel special When you opened it you probably realized that the person who gave it to you must care about you a lot. That's the way  God's grace is you didn't do anything to earn it. He just give it because He loves you He wants to help you with decisions and problems by sharing his power with you. That doesn't mean that He has to come down to your human level. By sharing His power with you. His power grows That's how God's love is sharing it makes it grow God huh. Dear God I've got plenty of weakness to make You power look good bring it on We'll be quite a team.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

may 26 27

Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 26-27 2

May 26-27 2
The eternal God is your refuges and underneath are the everlasting arms. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Dear God the best place to be is close to You my strength and help I want to spend time with you every day so that I'm really close I need a refuge Thank for being there Amen.

May 26-27 1

May 26-27 1
Do you have a special place where you go be alone. Some people have a special spot in the house some climb up in a tree and hide among the branches and leave some have a quiet place in a garden or  park. These are places where you can be alone to think and be quiet They are refuges places hidden away from the noisy busy world. God is a refuge He is the places to the place to go when life gets too hard. When your parents are screaming case for the thirtieth time today when school is too hard when your friends are being jerks God is a refuge because He cares what you're going through. What happens if you accidentally lock yourself out of the house. Do you call your dad who is on a business trip half way around the country He will care about your problem but he can't help. Do you call your mom who is working twenty five miles away. She'll help but not immediately Do you call the next door neighbor who has a spare key to your house Bingo the person who is closest to you is the best one to call. Think about that is relation  to God God never moves away from him The time to come close to Him is not when there are majors problems in your life Get close now and and stay there Then when you need his help He's right there.  

Friday, May 25, 2018

May 25

May 25  When my spirit grows faint within me it is you who know my way. Being tired and discouraged can make you want to give up on things If you've fighting temptation for a long time on if you have fell like giving you do goes wrong you may feel like giving up What's the use of fighting it Just go with the crowd and do the things they do Maybe that's what you were meant to do. These times of discouragement are when you need to turn to God. He knows that your strength is weak. He will help you on the right path the path of obedience to Him He will keep you on that path. Dear God please help me stay on the path that you want me to be on Guide and direct me Amen. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

May 24

May 24 I pray that you living existed and established in love have prayer together with  all the saintsto grasp how wide and long high and deep is the love of Christ. Have you ever been to the mountain or to the ocean Were you overwhelmed by how large and  massive they are God's love for you is bigger. Ask God to help you understand even a little bit of how much He love you. Once you begin to understand that you will believe that He  will  help you  with anything you need That much love brings so  much strength power hope and help. God will stay in and help you fight temptation He will  help you grow and learn because He loves you. Dear God i think your love a bigger than anything I can imagine Please help me see how much You love me That will help me trust you You more Amen.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

may 23

May 23 The Lord will guide you always He will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strength your frame. You will be like a well watered garden like a spring whose waters never fail. Life is a learning process Tiny babies can't talk or walk when they are first  born. Children need help learning how to read and write. They also need to grow some before they can make good decision such as when it's safe to a cross a street until children grow up their parents must help them with decision and guide them. The same is true of spiritual growth. God guides His children helping them learn to make good choice and to resist the tricks of the devil. God will take care of you and will help you grow. Dear God I want to grow and learn. Thank you for being my guide and teacher along the way. Amen.    

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

may 22

May 22
Is anything too hard for the Lord. Of course your immediate answer to that question is No nothing is too hard for the Lord After all you know that God created everything. You're read the stories of how He parted the  Red Sea and made the sun stand still. You've heard how He knocked down the walls around Jericho You know all that stuff. So if you know how strong and powerful He is why don't You trust Him to help you with your life. If God can part the Red Sea He can deal with bully classmates if God can make the sun stand still He can handle the temptation you have Nothing is too hard for him including the stuff in your life. Dear God I guess I never realized that I've been holding our joking for your help cause maybe I thought the stuff in my life was too hard for you I'm sorry Please forgive me Amen.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

may 21

May 21 4 If you remain in Me and My words remain in you ask whatever you wish and it will be given you. What do you want to ask God is there something that you  have been too scared to ask God Did it seem like a silly request or maybe too gutsy Lay the right foundation here remain in Him. That means stay close to Him Spend time with Him every day and talk with Him. When you do that day and begin to think more like him You begin to want what He wants which means your requests are things He knows are right for mind He will answer.

Dear God most of time I'm asking you for stuff I'd  like  to get the point where I'm thinking like you then when I pray I know I'm praying in the direction you want me to Amen

May 21 3

May 21 3
When dreams come true there is life and joy. We are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perpleased but not in despair.

May 21 2

May 21 2 
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. Worship the Lord your God and  serve Him only.  

journal may 21 1

And we have seen and testify that the Father has the Son as Savior of the world. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

may 18-20

Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 18-19- May 20 3

May 18-19- May 20 3
Dear God  every time I think I about you loving me a just amazes me Thank you for showing me showing me Your love by strengthening and helping me through life thanks for never leaving me Thanks for helping me every day to live for you amen.

May 18-19- May 20 2

May 18-19- May 20 
How priceless is For unfailing love Both high and low among new feel refuge in the shadow of your wings. Your enemy the devil provide around like a rearing lion looking for someone to devour. Never will I leave you never will I forsake you.

May 18-19- May 20 1

May 18-19- May 20 1
Some people never learn These words are what Moses said to the Israelites when  they were too chicken to go into the land God had promised to give them. They whined the people were too big and cities had walls around them. The people forget about all the miracles God had already done to protect them including parting the waters of the Red Sea He fought to save His people. God will fight for you too You are child and He will take care of You. Whatever problems you're facing or problems you don't have be afraid Don't be scared because God is fighting for you. Love is often defined as seeking the highest good for the object person of your affections. God loves you no matter what He loves you. His love is His motivation to help you become the best person you can be He will protect you and strengthen you because of that love. Both powerful important people and small children alike can hide in the shadow is a place of safety and protection. Any time you're afraid any time you need help turn to God He loves you and waiting to show you that.  You have an enemy Doesn't matter how nice you are or how pretty Doesn't matter how kind you are or how everyone in fact those things probably make your enemy even more angry. The devil doesn't want you to do anything that even hints of God's love and power So he's sneaking around like a slime ball looking for ways to trip you up and make you question your faith. You can't fight him alone You just can't He's too sneaky and tricky He never gives up the good news is that you don't have to fight him alone God is there to help you. Ask him for strength and wisdom to fight your enemy God wants you to win He will help. What a comfort YOU'RE NOT IN BATTLE ALONE NEVER GOD HASN'T WALKED AWAY TO DEAL WITH SOMEONE ELSE HE'S WITH YOU ALWAYS. THERE ISN'T ANYONE MORE IMPORTANT TO HIM THAN YOU. HE KNOWS THE TEMPTATION YOU FACE EVERY DAY. HE KNOWS WHEN THE DEVIL IS TRYING TO KNOCK DOWN HE KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE SAD AND DISCOURAGED AND HE IS RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. EVEN AT THE TIMES WHEN YOU CAN'T FEEL GOD WITH YOU HE'S THERE.   SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR YOU IT MEANS YOU CAN ASK FOR GOD'S HELP AND STRENGTH AND HE WILL ANSWER HE'S RIGHT AND STRENGTH AND IN THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU ARE TOO UPSET OR DISCOURAGED TO EVEN PRAY HE KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

may 12

may 12
God said, Let there be light and there was light. Words are words. It's who speaks the words that makes a difference God spoke the world into existence The first chapter  of Genesis is filled with. And God said while He was busy creating the world and everything in it just by the words He spoke What amazing power God Has. It is unmatched by anything else in the universe anything the nothing that is be created can be more powerful than the Creator. There is a little poem that children sometimes learn in Sunday school that goes My God is so big so strong and so mighty There's nothing my God cannot do Keep that in mind when You're thinking that your problem may be too big even for God. Dear God Your words have so much power There's nothing You can't do What an awesome God You are Amen. 

Friday, May 11, 2018

man 11

May 11 The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since., Joshua and the the Israelite were fighting their enemies back in those days when the sun went down the battle was over because the soldiers couldn't see to fight Joshua knew that if they could use to fight. he men would win. So he  asked God to keep the sun from setting so the moon and the stars listen to God after all He made them God kept the sun up so Joshua's army could win the battle. Think about that it's the same God who is hearing your prayers and fighting for you. Walk close to Him Obey Him and ask Him for what you need. Dear God you really made the sun stand still That's awesome You've get more power than anyone and You love me Amazing Amen 

Thursday, May 10, 2018


May 10- Your father knows what you need before you ask Him. Before you even utter the words before you even know what you need yourself. God knows You see He can see the big picture not just what's happening to you right now. He knows what tomorrow will begin and how the circumstances of today will strengthen you for the next things you have to face He knows how everything fits together He knows when you're going to need extra strength or joy. He knows when you're going to need patience or love He knows when you need a firm hand or  a gentle one He knows Trust Him and ask His daily help. Dear God that's amazing You know what I need even before I know I'm so glad You're in control instead  of met Help me every day Amen.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


May 9- May 16

In my distress I called to the Lord I cried to my God for help. From  His temple He heard my twice my cry came before Him into His ears. You're at a crowded concert. The auditorium is filled with shouting screaming fans Music blares but the audience is so loud it can barely be heard. You are with a friend who is standing right next to you. Every effort to talk with her is lost in the noise of the crowd She can't hear a word you say. Does it sometimes feel like God can't hear your voice Maybe you think He's too far away or He's busy listening to other people prayers. Whatever it is you don't feel like He hears you The Psalms are filled with reminders that when we call out to God for Help He does hear. He hears and He cares He will answer. Dear God I  want to believe that You hear my prayers and that You will answer them. Please help more and more Amen.In my distress I called to the Lord and He answered me. From the depths of grave I called for help and You listened to my cry. Good old Jonah God asked him to do a simple job He refused and hid from God who wasn't fooled at all Jonah ended up in the belly of a big fish. But he wasn't digested as lunch for the swimming hotel He sat there for three days and got to think about his bad choice. Of course he came to senses and cried out to God to save him. God did The fish spit Jonah out and he will forgive your bad choices so what are you waiting for. Dear God please forgive my bad choices and help me now to make better ones Give me strength Amen.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

may 8 amnd 15

May 8- May 15 1 We have one who speaks to the Father in our defense Jesus Christ the Righteous One. Defense law years plead their client's case before a judge and jury. The lawyer points out the defendant's good qualitative He pleads her innocence and requests that she be given another chance. That's what's Jesus for does for you will sin it's inevitable There give you another chance. Jesus encourage God to forgive you and give another chance. Do you see  the system God has set up. He loves you so much that not only did Jesus die for you. He now pleads your case before God. You have to know that means love so more than anything God wants to help and strengthen. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength They will sour no  wings like eagles they will run and we give weary They will walk and not there. What do you have for breakfast each day You know the request say breakfast in the most important meal of the day. Food helps you store up energy to get you rest of the day on keeping on the spiritual By putting your hope and trust in the Lord He gives the strength and power to makes you'll fly through life and never get spiritual tired again. Keep learning on him Hiring on right and He'll get you through whatever life things Dear God I try to hang on but my hands get tired Will You please hang on to me Thanks Wow you love must me so much I'm so sorry that I don't trust you more Help me learn to turn to You for help and strength more. Amen.  

Monday, May 7, 2018

may 6-7 and 13-14

Monday, May 7, 2018

May 6-7 and May 13-14 4

May 6-7 and  May  13-14  4 These words from 1 Samuel were spoken by David a little kid He said them to Goliath a nine-foot tall experience soldier David went to fight Goliath with only sling and some stones By all rights he should have been shaking in his Sandals There was no reason on earth David should have been able to defeat the giant. However there are reason a heaven....God was fighting with a spear and sword had a chance against God Whatever you may be facing trouble with parents friends grades bad choices you've made none of it is too  big for God to handle Try Him. You really wanted that cute outfit from that outrageously expensive store. Mom said if you want it save up your money and but it yourself. So you did That outfit represents hours of babysitting runny nosed kids So do you throw it on the floor and toss your muddy soccer shoes on top of it. Hopefully your investment of time and energy means you take better care of  than that God invested in you He sent His only Son Jesus to die and raised back to life for you It makes sense that His investment would mean that He's going to be there when you need his help. He wouldn't invest that much in you then  just turn around and walk away. Dear God sometimes I think I've messed my life up so much that I can't be fixed Thanks for the reminder that nothing a too big for you. I never thought about your love being an investment in me. Thanks I know You will be here to help me whatever happens. Yeah some decision aren't easy Help me know what is right and what is wrong Thanks Amen.    

May 6-7 and ,May 13-14 3

May 6-7 and ,May 13-14 3 Do you sometimes feel like a mosquito on an elephant back just a tiny little molecule in the scheme of the whole earth and the million of people on it. Why should God care about your little problems After all they are nothing compared to starving people or children dying of Aids You're just an average girl with average problems. Doesn't matter God loves you. If He takes care of individual birds and makes sure they have food and drink water don't you think He's going to take care of you. His child He cares about what you care about Talk to Him. Give Him a chance to help you. Well sometimes life is not black and white Some choices are gray It's hard to know if some things are wrong or right. You know that there isn't any verse that says. Thou shall not whatever so how do you know if this is a temptation that Satan is danging in front of you or if is new experience Ask God If you ask Him to show you right from wrong. He will And won't make you feel bad for asking Believe it or not He want make you to succeed in  life. He's not trip you up or trick you into making bad choices So ask Him for wisdom.     

May 6-7 and May 13-14 2

May 6-7 and May 13-14 2

Look at the birds of the air They don't sow or reap or stove away in barns and yet your heavenly Father finds them Are you not much more valuable than they. If any of lacks wisdom He should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be gives to him.  

May 6-7 and may 13-14 1

May 6-7  and may 13-14 1
All those gathered here will know that is not by saved or spear that the Lord saves for the battle is the Lord and He will give all of you into our hands. This is love not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.    

Saturday, May 5, 2018

may 5

My flesh and heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Think you're strong do you. Think you can take on the world. Well here's a   newsflash you aren't as strong as you think You will stumble and fall sometimes Humans are not perfect and no matter how hard you try once in a while you will give in to temperature.  Once in a while you will lose your temper cheat a little tell a lie something. The good news is that you can turn to God when that happens confuses ask forgivers and start over. God is your strength forever. He loves you and wants to you help you and wants to help you be strong so keep turning to Him even after you've failed  He always waiting for you to come back. Dear God thanks for giving up on me. Thanks for beginning  my strength and for wanting to help me Amen. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

may 4

May 4 Therefore put on full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you may be able stand your ground and after you done everything to stand.
An athlete doesn't jump the pro ranks without working way up through the minor leagues. A singer doesn't sing her first note ever on the Broadway stages A soldier doesn't go into battle without her weapon and helmet. You must be prepare for what is before you. Same is true of your spiritual life. There is a battle going on Satan trying to knock you down He's throwing temptation after temptation at you. He's trying to discourage you and chip away at your self image The only hope you have of fighting him off is the armor of God belt of truth breastplate of righteousness shield of faith and helmet of salvation. Put your armor on and get in the battle You can't lose with God on your side. Dear God let's go get him I've got Your armor on Amen