Saturday, May 19, 2018

may 18-20

Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 18-19- May 20 3

May 18-19- May 20 3
Dear God  every time I think I about you loving me a just amazes me Thank you for showing me showing me Your love by strengthening and helping me through life thanks for never leaving me Thanks for helping me every day to live for you amen.

May 18-19- May 20 2

May 18-19- May 20 
How priceless is For unfailing love Both high and low among new feel refuge in the shadow of your wings. Your enemy the devil provide around like a rearing lion looking for someone to devour. Never will I leave you never will I forsake you.

May 18-19- May 20 1

May 18-19- May 20 1
Some people never learn These words are what Moses said to the Israelites when  they were too chicken to go into the land God had promised to give them. They whined the people were too big and cities had walls around them. The people forget about all the miracles God had already done to protect them including parting the waters of the Red Sea He fought to save His people. God will fight for you too You are child and He will take care of You. Whatever problems you're facing or problems you don't have be afraid Don't be scared because God is fighting for you. Love is often defined as seeking the highest good for the object person of your affections. God loves you no matter what He loves you. His love is His motivation to help you become the best person you can be He will protect you and strengthen you because of that love. Both powerful important people and small children alike can hide in the shadow is a place of safety and protection. Any time you're afraid any time you need help turn to God He loves you and waiting to show you that.  You have an enemy Doesn't matter how nice you are or how pretty Doesn't matter how kind you are or how everyone in fact those things probably make your enemy even more angry. The devil doesn't want you to do anything that even hints of God's love and power So he's sneaking around like a slime ball looking for ways to trip you up and make you question your faith. You can't fight him alone You just can't He's too sneaky and tricky He never gives up the good news is that you don't have to fight him alone God is there to help you. Ask him for strength and wisdom to fight your enemy God wants you to win He will help. What a comfort YOU'RE NOT IN BATTLE ALONE NEVER GOD HASN'T WALKED AWAY TO DEAL WITH SOMEONE ELSE HE'S WITH YOU ALWAYS. THERE ISN'T ANYONE MORE IMPORTANT TO HIM THAN YOU. HE KNOWS THE TEMPTATION YOU FACE EVERY DAY. HE KNOWS WHEN THE DEVIL IS TRYING TO KNOCK DOWN HE KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE SAD AND DISCOURAGED AND HE IS RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. EVEN AT THE TIMES WHEN YOU CAN'T FEEL GOD WITH YOU HE'S THERE.   SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR YOU IT MEANS YOU CAN ASK FOR GOD'S HELP AND STRENGTH AND HE WILL ANSWER HE'S RIGHT AND STRENGTH AND IN THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU ARE TOO UPSET OR DISCOURAGED TO EVEN PRAY HE KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED.

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