Friday, December 30, 2016

friday saturday sunday

What can we understand about  God?
There is much about  God  that we can understand. For an example
everything about Him is good. There is not one thing about Him which
is evil. God is holy He is perfectly  holy. He is the  Creator of
everything. God  made everything that exists He has the right
to rule everything. In addition, He  is Lord over everything.  God is a God of love.
Everything  He commands us to do to is good. Therefore, we  know that  He deserve
our love obedience and worship. These are truths about  God that are not too hard for
us to understand. Loving God means obeying his commands And God's commands are

not too hard for us.  

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Does God want me to be punished?

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Does God want me to be punished?

Does God want me to be punished?God is kind loving and  forgiving  He created us for friendship with Him He made us to enjoy His glory. God still loves us even though  we sin against Him.It pleases God to keep people from being punished in hell. That is why He has  made a way for people to pay for  their sin  so they do not have to go to hell. Instead God can take them to live with Him forever in His beautiful heaven.We know that God cannot just overlook our sinif He allowed us to sin and ignored it withoutpunishing anyone He would not really be holy.Because God is holy He must require us to be  holy too. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

bount for for new years 4

Count for New Year #4Count for New Year #4

God's promise to Joshua Be strong and courageous Do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will with you wherever you  go. The Lord is my shepherd he makes me lie down in green pasture he leads me beside me still waters  even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.  He guides the humble in what in right and teaches them his way. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just and  will forgive us our sins and cleanse will forgive us our sin and cleanse us all uprightness.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

count for new year 3

Count for New Year #3
Forgiveness from God
Many people feel guilty because of wrong things they've done.
For these people the Christian message is good news. God
accepts people exactly as they are. He loves them and
then gives them the power to change.
Forgiveness is God's gift but we have to want it and accepts.
In addition, Jesus died on the cross as punishment for our sins.
Peter wrote He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree by

his wounds you have been healed.  

Monday, December 26, 2016

count for new year 1-2

Count for New year #1-2
A Basket Boat the Israelites were treated as slaves by
the Egyptian rulers . In addition, when Moses was
a tiny baby the pharaoh king ordered that all Israelites
baby boys were to be put   to death.
A Promise Abraham was to become the father or
founder of the Jewish nation.
God told Abraham You will have
as many descendant as stars in the
Houses Village houses were usually
made of mud Brick to make a roof
a carpenter laid beams of wood across
the top a house the top of a house
and filled the gaps with reeds or straw
and mud.   


Thursday, December 22, 2016

count for christmas 22

Count for Christmas #22
Why is it important to learn what the Bible says? 
The Bible is fill with truth. You can spend time your whole life
studying it and it still will be fresh and wonderful It is the most
important book in the world. In the Bible  God tells us what He is like
He tells us what He wants us to do. He shows us the way to eternal life

God tells us everything we need to know to please Him.   

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

count for christmas #21

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Count for christmas #21

''Thank You God for Christmas'' part 1Written by Henrietta D GambillIllustrated by Kathryn HuttonChristmas is a very special time. It's a time to say thank you to God. In addition, And this is how Christmas began a long long time ago. An angel named Gabriel knew about Christmas before anyone else.God  sent him all the way from Heaven to talk to Mary. He told Mary that soon she would have a baby boy. Her little boy would be Jesus. Thank you for the angel Gabriel. Mary wanted to tell someone her good news so she hurried to see her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth was happy to hear that Mary would soon have a baby boy. She said that Mary was special because God had chosen her to be the mother of His Son Jesus. Thank You God for Elizabeth. A little brown donkey helped Mary just before her baby was born. She and Joseph needed to go a long trip and the little donkey let Mary ride on his back.  He took Mary from her home in Nazareth to the little town of Bethlehem. It was a long way too but the little donkey kept clip clopping along  until they reached Bethlehem. Thank You God for the little brown donkey. In Bethlehem Mary and Joseph met a kind man. He was an innkeeper. They wanted to stay in his inn but all the rooms were filled by the time Mary and Joseph get there. The innkeeper knew that Mary would soon have  her baby so he let them stay in a warm stable where animals were kept. Thank You God for the kind innkeeper. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

count for christmas #20

The Bible Land
Some  events you can read about in the Bible took
place in little walled town perched on the sides
of rocks hills The town had dark narrow twisting
streets where the house were crowded together. Other
stories are set the rocky desert with the sun scorching
down or on dusty roads. On the blue Sea of Galilee
surrounds by busy fishing villages  with tree covered
hills rising behinds is the background to others events.
This map shows you some of the places mentioned in
some of the Bible. Turn to the next two page to read about some
of the most  well known stories in the Bible. You
can see where they took places on this map. The
story of the Bible is acted out in what we today calls
the Middle East has been described as the seed bed

of the world. 

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Monday, December 19, 2016

count for christmas #19

Count for    Christmas  #19Washing Clothing
Most often clothes werewashed in the Bible timessimply by dipping them
in water and beatingthem with sticks.Professional laundereders used
ashes to treat cloth and
then whitened in the sun.   

Saturday, December 17, 2016

count for christmas 17 18

Count for Christmas #17-#18
House roofs
House roofs in New Testament times
were made by laying branches over
roofs beam Mud was packed over
the branches. The friends who
carried a paralyzed man to Jesus
dug  through the mud roof of
a house and lowered the
sick man into the room
where Jesus was teaching.

Friday, December 16, 2016

count for christmas #16

Count for Christmas #16
1 John 3:5 You know that Christ came to take away sins There is no sin in Christ.
1 Peter 2:21-23 Christ suffered for you He gave you an example to follow So you should do as he did He did no sin He never lied People insulted Christ but he did not insult them in return Christ suffered but he did not threaten He let God take care of him God take care him God is  the One who judges rightly.
Acts 2:23 Jesus was given to you and you killed him With the help of evil men you nailed him to a cross But God knew all this would happen This was God's plan which he had made long ago.
Isaiah 53:6 We all have wandered away like sheep Each of us has gone his own way But the Lord has put on him the punishment for all the evil we have done.
Romans 3:24-25 People are made right with God by his grace which is a  free gift They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ God gave Jesus as a way to forgive sin through faith And all of this is because of the blood of Jesus death This showed that God always does what is right and fair God was right in the past when he was patient and did  not punish people for their sins.
1 John 2:2 Jesus is the way our sins are taken away And Jesus is the way that all people can have their sins taken away too.

1 Peter  2:24 Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

count for christmas #15

Count for Christmas #15
The story of Jesus
God sent His Son Jesus Christ to live on earth as a
completely sinless man Jesus was born as a baby
in Bethlehem. He grew up be a man without ever
doing one wrong things He never had a bad attitude
or an  evil thought. He  never said a bad word. He
was God He was perfect. But even though He was
perfect some people did not like Him. In fact because
He was perfect people who loved sin hated Him. So
they killed by nailing Him on cross. God allowed that
to happen because on the cross. Jesus took the punishment
for every person's guilt throughout history for every person
as if it guilt throughout history as if it
were His own. By dying He paid the penalty for our sin.
He 's Here  part 1
Everything was ready. The moment God
had been waiting for was at last. God was
coming to help his people just as he promised in
the beginning. In addition but how would he come
what would he be like? What would he do?
Mountain would have bowed down. Seas
would have roared Trees would have clapped
their hands. But the earth held its breath. As
silent as failing he came in. And when no
one was looking in the darkness he came.
There was a young girl Mary  who was engaged a man
named Joseph.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

christmas #14

Count for Christmas #14The Stable
A stable was a placewhere animals keepand feed. The  stables
in Bethlehem were usuallycaves rather than buildingsThe stable where Jesuswas born was probablyone of these caves.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

count for christmas 13

Count for Christmas #13Mary's song Part 1Luke 1:46-52
And Mary said:My soul glorifies the Lordand my spirit rejoices in God my Saviorfor he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.From now on all generations will call me blessedfor the mighty one has done great things for me holy his name.His mercy extends to those who fear himfrom generation to generation.He has performed mighty deedswith his arm. He scattered those who are
proud in their inmost thoughts.He has brought down rulers fromtheir thrones but has lifted up the humble. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

count for Christmas #12

Count for Christmas #12Birth of Jesus  Christ
Matthew 1:18-21  Luke 2:1-7Joseph was a carpenter in Nazareth. He wassoon to  be Mary's husband. One night he
had a dream. In it an angel spoke Josephtake Mary as your wife. The child in her is fromthe Holy Spirit. When he's born call him Jesus.He'll save his people from their sins.
In those days Emperor Augustus  Caesar
commanded that his people be counted. To do thiseveryone went to their hometown. For Mary andJoseph this was Bethlehem was also King David's hometown.It was a long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.Mary who was almost ready to have her baby traveled with Joseph.
They hills in Galilee to the  Jordan River. Then they followed the river to Judea.Up in the Judean hills they came to Bethlehem. The town was full of people whohad come to be counted. An inn was there but it was full of people.Suddenly Mary had to give birth. So they went into a stable. Here Mary had her child Jesus.  Shewrapped him in a blanket and put him to sleep in a feed trough.  

Saturday, December 10, 2016

count for christmas #10-11

Count for Christmas #10  & #11
Jesus is born
In about the year 5 B.C two people were
planning to get married. Their names were
Mary and Joseph and they lived in Nazareth a
town  in the hills of  Galilee.
One day something very exciting happened to
Mary The angel Gabriel appeared said You
will give birth to a son. He will be the son of God.
Jesus as baby
After Jesus was born Mary and Joseph moved to a house in
Bethlehem. After eight days. Jesus was named and circumcised
according to Jewish to custom. Forty days later Mary and Joseph
took Jesus to the Temple in  Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice and

pray for him to serve God all his life.  

Friday, December 9, 2016


Friday, December 9, 2016

journal count for CHRISTMAS #9

Count  for Christmas #9
How the Jews longed for another
national hero who would out  who
would throw out  the hated Roman
legions and set up a Jewish kingdom
again If only God would send his promised
King to bring them freedom. Other in the
were more concerned about justice and
obedience to God's  anointed King but
they looked for a just and good ruler
rather than a great warrior. 
Zechariah was a priest and
he and  his wife Elizabeth  prayed

that God would send a king like that.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

count for Christmas #8

Count for Christmas #8Hoping and Praying Luke 1 part 1Over four hundred years had passedsince Malachi had warned the Jewishpeople to be ready for the day whenGod would visit them. And they hadbeen hard times. Greek conquerorshad followed the Persian emperors.After one glorious burst ofindependence  under the great Jewishfreedom fighter Judas Maccabeus
the Jews were now once more underforeign rule. Rome had conquered
Greece and the emperor hadmarched into Jerusalem itself.
Roman soldiers were stationed
throughout the land.
How the Jews longed for
another national herowho would throw outthe hated Roman legions
and set up a Jewish kingdomagain. If only God wouldsend his promised King tobring them freedom. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

count for Christmas 7

Count for Christmas #7
The visit of the Magi part 3Matthew 2:11-12
On  coming to the house they saw thechild with his mother Mary and they
bowed down and worshipped him. Thenthey opened their treasures and presented
him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.And having been warned in a dream not to go backto Herod they returned to their country by another route.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

count for christmas #6

Count for Christmas #6
The Visit of the Magi part 2Mathew 2:7-10Then Herod called the Magi secretlyand found out from them the exacttime the star had appeared. He sentthem to Bethlehem and said Go andmake a careful search for the child. Assoon as you find him, report to me sothat I too may go and worship him.After they had heard the king theywent on their way and the star theyhad seen in the east went ahead ofthem until stopped over the placewhere the child was. When they sawthe star they were  overjoyed. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

count for Christmas #5

Count for Christmas #5The visit of the Magi part 1Matthew 2:1-6After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea during the time ofKing Herod Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and askedWhere is the one who been bornking of the Jews? We saw his star inthe east and have come to worship him.When King Herod heard this hewas disturbed and all Jerusalem withhim. When he had called together allthe people's chief priests and teachersof the law he asked them where theChrist was born. In Bethlehem in Judea they replied for thisis what the prophet has written.
But you Bethlehem in the landof Judah are by no means least amongthe ruler of Judahfor out of you will comea ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.  

Saturday, December 3, 2016



Count for Christmas #3 #4A Message for Mary

Luke 1:26-55Four weeks later God sent Gabriel tothe town of Nazareth in Galilee.A young woman named Mary lived there.Gabriel had a message for Mary too. He said toher Don't be afraid. God is pleased with you andyou will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He willbe great and will be  called the Son of God. MostHigh.Mary did not understand these words How can this be He askedThe  angel answered The holy spirit will comedown to you and God's powers will come over youMary put her faith in God I am the Lord servant she told Gabriel.Let it happen as you have said Mary sang a song to praise God. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

count for chrristmas 2

Count for Christmas #2
Matthew 1:14-25 The Birth of Jesus Christ
This is how the birth of Jesus
 Christ came about: His mother Mary
was pledged to be married to Joseph,
but before they came together, she
was found to be with child through the
Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her
husband was a righteous man and did
not want to expose her to public dis-
grace, he had in mind to divorce her
But after he had considered to this
an angel of the Lord appeared to him
in a dream and said, Joseph son of
David do not be afraid to take Mary
home as your wife because what is
conceived in her is from the Holy
Spirit. She will give birth to a son and
you are to give him the name Jesus
because he will save his people from
their sins.
All this took place to fulfill what
the Lord had said through the proph-
et. The virgin will be with child and
will give birth to a son and they will
call him Immanuel which means
God is with us.
When Joseph woke up he did
what the angel of the Lord had com
manded him and took Mary home as
his wife. But he had no union with
her until she gave birth to a son. And

he gave him the name  Jesus.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

count for christmas 1

Thursday, December 1, 2016

count for Christmas #1

Count for Christmas #1
Good News from  the Angel Gabriel
When Herod the Great was king of the land called
Judea there lived an old man by the name of Zechariah.
His wife was Elizabeth. They had no children.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were good people. They
tried hard to obey the laws of the Lord God. God saw
this and He was pleased with them. In addition, The
first governor of Galilee he eventually become king
of Judea Galilee Samaria and the area east of the Jordan River.
One day Zechariah was in the Lord's Temple. He was
serving as a priest that day. Suddenly an angel from the Lord came down and
stood near him. Zechariah didn't know what to do.
Don't be afraid the angel said. I am Gabriel God's
servant and I was sent to tell you good news.
Your wife Elizabeth  is going to have a son. You will
call him John. He will be a great servant to God.
Because of him people who do not  obey God will
change their ways John will get people ready for the Lord.
Zechariah was amazed But my wife and I are both very old
he said how will I know this is going to happen?
The angel answered you do not believe and so you
will not be able to say anything until the child is born.
When Zechariah left the Temple he could not speak
write it on a writing tablet.
Soon Elizabeth discovered she was expecting
a baby just as the angel had promised. She

was amazed and happy.