Monday, December 12, 2016

count for Christmas #12

Count for Christmas #12Birth of Jesus  Christ
Matthew 1:18-21  Luke 2:1-7Joseph was a carpenter in Nazareth. He wassoon to  be Mary's husband. One night he
had a dream. In it an angel spoke Josephtake Mary as your wife. The child in her is fromthe Holy Spirit. When he's born call him Jesus.He'll save his people from their sins.
In those days Emperor Augustus  Caesar
commanded that his people be counted. To do thiseveryone went to their hometown. For Mary andJoseph this was Bethlehem was also King David's hometown.It was a long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.Mary who was almost ready to have her baby traveled with Joseph.
They hills in Galilee to the  Jordan River. Then they followed the river to Judea.Up in the Judean hills they came to Bethlehem. The town was full of people whohad come to be counted. An inn was there but it was full of people.Suddenly Mary had to give birth. So they went into a stable. Here Mary had her child Jesus.  Shewrapped him in a blanket and put him to sleep in a feed trough.  

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