January 31
A man's own fully ruins his life get his heart rays against the Lord. Do you blame someone else for your problem the crummier life gets do you try harder to blame someone else your problem are never your fault right. They didn't happen because of choices you've made Yeah right Sometimes life stinks because you've made dumb choices about how to treat other people where to spend your time and energy where to put to spread your time and energy where to put your interests and your pay the price for those choices don't try to blame God because your life stinks first accept responsibility for your choices clean up for your act before you get mad at God. Once you confess your sins and repent He will be right there to help you pick up the pieces and start fresh . Prayer Dear God okay I admit it I've made some really dumb choices and they are the reasons for some of the problems in my life I'm sorry Show me how to clean up my act Help me make better choices amen.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
54 minutes ago