February 28
The Lord disciplines those He loves. God is light in Him there is no darkness at all if we light claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not live by the truth. Discipline is not fun Being grounded or punished by having privilege taken away stinks Did you ever think about the fact that your parents don't enjoy punishing you. The old saying this hurts me more than it hurts you is actually true However discipline is necessary it keeps you from continually doing wrong things Parents have to discipline you but it makes them sad to make you sad. God's discipline is very simaliar He disciplines you because He loves you. But doesn't enjoy making you sad or angry he just know that if you aren't disciplined you will continue going down it wrong path You won't learn the right way Discipline means you are loved. Do you know the old saying You can't tell a book by the cover It means that the artwork on the cover may promise one thing but inside the plot is totally different. The same thing holds true of your walk with God You can make all the claim you want about how much you read the can't fool God What's truly in your heart will be evident to God selfishness a means spirit anger a lack of love. If those things are living in your heart then you can make all the claims you want about how much you are living for God He will know the truth and the truth will be that you have been lying. Dear God well I don't like being disciplined it isn't fun and it means that I've messed up But well I'm glad you love me enough to discipline me Amen. Dear God I don't want to live a lie. Help me to really walk in the light Your light amen.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
57 minutes ago