Monday, April 2, 2018


April 1-2 1

✊👆👏👅✊👆👏👅✊👆👏👅✊👆👏👅April 1-2 1
If anyone loves me he will obey My teaching Look at the front and the back of a piece of paper Now separate the front from the back what You can't of course not the front and back sides may be different have different things written on they cannot be separated To  what do you owe this amazing science lesson Just this if you claim to love God  but secretly disobey His teaching you're living a lie. A person who claim to love God will obey Him. That cannot be separated out of course, everyone stumble sometimes and everyone sins but if the true desires of your heart is to obey God well you're like that pieces of paper front and back for God. You shall have no other gods before Me. Let's begin at the beginning good place huh The first commandment God gave is that He wants to be Number One in your life He won't him more important  together but when you're not she talks about to others That stinks doesn't it. Well imagine how God feels when His children have a divided heart One minutes they're praising Him and asking His help with stuff but the next minutes they're trashing somebody or using God's name as a swear word or being unkind or stealing anything that is the  opposite of walking in the truth. Don't be guilty of a divided heart Ask God to teach you to walk in his ways and to keep your heart on track.     

Monday, April 2, 2018

Dear God sometimes my heart is divided Sometimes I live for you and sometimes I don't Teach me  how to  always live for you and to keep my heart focuses on you Amen. Dear God I understood that my life can't be divided into obeying God times and not obeying God times I want to be better at obeying Please help me Amen. ✊👆👏👅✊👆👏👅✊👆👏👅✊👆👏👅

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