Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mocking Unbelief

"Therefore, when the LORD heard, he was full of wrath; a fire was kindled against Jacob; his anger rose against Israel, because they did not believe in God and did not trust his saving power." (Psalm 78:21-22)

This Psalm is a long account of God's faithfulness to his people in spite of their unfaithfulness. Prior to these verses, we read of the Israelites' discontentment with what God had provided for them in the wilderness. They eventually started mocking God. God finally turned against them in wrath. Why? Because of their ingratitude? Because of their impatience? Because of their shortsightedness? No.

Because, fundamentally, they did not believe in God. They did not trust his proven, saving power. God will put up with our complaints, our doubts, our fears, our desperate pleas. He will more than put up - he will comfort and act. Just read other Psalms for examples. But mocking unbelief and distrust will draw out his wrath.

1. What do you think about Israel's behavior here? What do you think qualifies as unbelief and distrust?

2. What do you think of God's reaction?

3. How does this affect you?

-- Charlie

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