Friday, December 11, 2009

Be imitators of God

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children." (Ephesians 5:1)

What does a child imitate? For many years, they imitate their parents. Then they imitate their widening world of friends. We all imitate or gain influence from someone or more people. Paul urges us to imitate God our Father. How? As children who he loves. Why? Because we're imitating someone and, in fact, need to model our behavior after someone.

We are social beings. We will imitate--we have no choice but to imitate. So, Paul says, imitate God your Father. As children who he loves.

1. Think of those who most influence you. How do you imitate them?

2. When you try and think of imitating God, what comes to mind? What characteristics can you envision? Does Jesus give us an example?

3. What is the danger of using other godly people as your example for imitating God? What are the benefits?

-- Charlie

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