Friday, February 5, 2016

feb 5

february 5 2016

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 5, 2016 

John 3:16 For God loved the world that He gave His only Son anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Life of Jesus Story #11
Women Helpers Luke 8:1-3
·         Jesus had been preaching in towns around
·         Lake Galilee. Now he and his disciples began
·         to go out to other places farther away. They
·         went to villages all over Galilee telling the
·         good news about God's kingdom. They.
·         had no worldly goods and never asked anyone
·         for money but people gave them money and  helped
·         them because they believed in Jesus. Some of
·         these helpers were Jesus had cured of all kinds.
·         of terrible sickness. The women traveled
·         with him from town to town.
·         Teachers after traveled from
·         town  to town in those day.
·         They accepted gifts from the people they taught.
·         Three of the women were Joanna, Susanna and Mary Magdalene.
·         Their lives had been changed by Jesus. Now they wanted to help
·         Jesus if they could. But best of all was their faith in Jesus.
·         The women helped to show people how good he was and

·         how great was the promise of the kingdom of God.

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