Saturday, February 13, 2016

feb 13 14

February  13,  14, 2016
John 6:47 Most assuredly I say to you he who believe in  Me has everlasting life.
God's word is alive and working.
John 1:12 But some people did accept him . They believed in  him.
Life of Jesus Story #18
Jesus heals
·         Another time Jesus spat on some dirt to make mud which he put on the eyes of a  blind man making able to see.
·         Jesus healed in different ways Sometimes he just commanded be healed and sometimes  he put his hands on the suffering person Once in a great crowd of people a woman touched the hem of his cloak and  she was healed.
·         Jesus healed people without any fuss he did not use long prayers special  words or ceremonies he simply asked people to trust him. Then he often told them not to talk known as a wonder worker He wanted people to see the miracles as signs which pointed to truths about God.
·         Jesus heals a blind man.
·         A  woman teaches the hem of Jesus cloak.

·         Jesus forgave man's sins.

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