Thursday, February 25, 2016

feb 25

February 25, 2016
Prayer Starter: #1
Dear God Thank you for giving us the Bible. Thank you for sending your only Son Jesus who died on the cross for us. Please God forgive our sins. Thank you God for your words. In Jesus name amen.
Life of Jesus Story #26 

It was passover the time when God's people remembered how God has rescued them from being slaves in Egypt. Every year they killed a lamb and ate it. The lamb died instead of us they would say. But this passover God was getting ready for an even Greater Rescue. Therefore, Jesus and his friends were having the passover meal together in an upstairs room but Jesus friends were arguing. What about They were arguing about stinky feet. Quickly Jesus got up from the table took off his robe picked up a basin of water knelt down and started wash his friends feet.

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