Tuesday, September 1, 2015



Joseph's Coat Genesis 37:3,12-20
·        Jacob gave  Joseph a beautiful coat with long sleeves, which made his brothers very jealous of Joseph.
·        One day Jacob said, ''Joseph go check on your brothers.'' So off Joseph went. His brothers saw him coming. ''Here comes the dreamer,'' they said. ''Let get rid of him'' Watch out Joseph.
·        In addition, those brothers were up to no good.
Joseph is Sold Genesis 37:21-28
·        The brothers hated Joseph. But one of them said, ''Let's not hurt him. Let's just throw down this well.'' He planned to rescue Joseph later.
·        So they took off Joseph's coat and threw him in.
·        About that time some men on camels rode by ''the brothers said, ''let's sell him to be a slave. '' They sold their own brother. What the brothers did was awful.  

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