Thursday, September 3, 2015

joseph 4

Joseph in Jail and Joseph explains Dream

Joseph in Jail Genesis 39:6-20
¨      Everything was going great for Joseph, until one day Potiphar's wife tried to trick him.
¨      She told lies about Joseph and Potiphar believed her.
¨      Potiphar threw Joseph into jail. Poor Joseph. His brothers sold him, a lady lied about him, and he was thrown into jail, it was not  fair.
¨      However, The Lord had a plan for Joseph.
¨      Lots of things happen to us, which are not fair.
¨      However, remember that the Lord always has a plan to help us.
Joseph Explains Dreams Genesis 40:1-13, Genesis 40:20-21
¨      In the prison one of the prisoners told Joseph about a dream he'd had.
¨      Joseph listened carefully and God showed him what the man's dream meant.
¨      Joseph said, that in three days the man would be working
¨      for the king of Egypt like he had before being put in prison.
¨      In addition, sure  enough that's exactly what happened.
¨      Also Joseph knew what God could do. He had learned how to listen to God. You can too.

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