Monday, January 11, 2010

Your Time, or God's Time?

"Peter said to him, 'Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.'" (John 13:37)

Sometimes we're quite eager to be ambassadors for our Lord. Peter was. But sometimes, our King's plan for our service is quite different than our ambitions. Peter was not short on ambition or devotion. At least in his head. But Jesus' plan for him was different than his own. Jesus knew that Peter would fail.

Jesus, in his wise way of teaching, knew that Peter had to go through the bitter experience of falling. When God gives us something empty or blank, we need to accept that and not try to fill it in with our own scheme. Wait patiently on God's providence before taking action in service.

1. Are you eager or impatient with your current circumstances? What is God not allowing that you think should be happening?

2. Can you imagine what might go wrong if you had your way right now?

3. How will you know when it's God's time for you to move on to the next thing in service to him? What might the clear indication be that he is leading you?

-- Charlie

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