Thursday, January 14, 2010

Join In Imitating Me

"Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us." (Philippians 3:17)

How does God shepherd us? Is he always leading you with a special revelation of the holy spirit? Does every circumstance you face require new insight and a unique response from God? Certainly God has the hairs of our head numbered. Nothing escapes his attention.

But God has already provided abundant means of shepherding us. One of them is the example of other godly people. When faced with uncertainty about how to proceed, sometimes the simplest thing is to consider the example others in your circle of believers would act. In that way, God multiplies godly behavior and shepherds his flock in a consistent direction.

1. Who is the last person you considered when you wanted a good example of how to act in a situation?

2. Why is that person a good example? What about them makes you want to follow their pattern?

3. Are you a good example to others? Can you think of a case where someone said they were thinking of you when they faced a difficult situation?

-- Charlie

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