Thursday, July 30, 2009

God My Redeemer - Wednesday, July 29, 2007

Wednesday is the day when I remember that God is my Redeemer.

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psalm 51:12)

In his book Whiter than Snow, Paul Tripp talks about God’s approach to our sin. He uses the analogy of an old house. You can judge what repair work is going on with the house by the tools you see. If you see a big crane, then the house is going to get demolished. But usually, the work is more subtle. Craftsmen work carefully inside or out to restore or modify the old house.

This is usually how it is with God towards me. He works at me carefully to restore me to the beauty that I never really experienced. Since l was born a sinner, only God’s soul-restoring work can make me look like the someone God made me to be. But it is work, and it may hurt a bit sometimes. The key is that I must cooperate. I must not fight his small, but sometimes painful redeeming strokes. In fact, I should learn to recognize these painful little strokes as God’s loving hammer of restoration. No, I probably won’t praise him in the middle of it. But recognize it, and patiently bear up under the trial knowing that I am still an ugly sinner and God is trying to make me beautiful.

-- Charlie

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