Monday, February 11, 2019


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The Christian:
The Christian life is a motived not by a list
of do's and don'ts but the gracious outpouring of God's love and blessing.

The Lord's chief:
The Lord's chief desire us to reveal himself to you and in order for Him to do that. He gives
you abundant grace. The Lord gives you the experience of enjoying his presence. He touches you and His touch is so delightful that more than ever you are drawn inwardly to Him. 
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God's love:

There is no secret that can separate you from God's love there is no secret  that can separate you from His blessing there is no worth keeping from his grace.

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God's grace:
God's grace and power 
seem to reach their peak
when we are at our weakest point.
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God's gifts:
God is the giver and 
we are the receivers. 
And his richest gifts
are bestowed not upon
those who accept his abundance 
and his grace.
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God's wisdom
We will never cease to 
need our Father his wisdom
direction help and support
We will never outgrow 
Him We will always need
his grace.
Image result for Psalm 6:1
Psalm 6:1 
O Lord do not rebuke
me in your anger or 
discipline me in your

Psalm 6:2
Be gracious to me
O Lord for I am 
languaging O Lord
heal me for my bones 
are shaking with terror. 

Psalm 6:4
Turn O Lord save 
my life deliever 
me for sake of 
your steadfast love.

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