Thursday, February 21, 2019


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ABC SONG 1- ABCDEFG Jesus died for you and me.HIJKLMN Jesus died for sinful men. OPQRSTU I believe God's word is true. UVW God has promised you XYZ A home eternally.
I LOVE HIM 2- I  love you, O Jesus. I love you, O Jesus. Because He first loved me. And purchased my salvation on Calvary. 
SOME DAY 3- Some day I shall be like Jesus some day like Him. Changed to His heavenly beauty when His face I see. 
God's word can never fail 4-God's word can never fail.  God's word can never fail. No no no.
I believe the bible 5- I believe the Bible. I believe the Bible. I believe the Bible is the Word of God.
To be like Jesus 6-To be like Jesus to be like Jesus. All I ask to be like Jesus. All I ask to be like Jesus
Jesus Christ is the way 7-Jesus Christ is the Way. Jesus Christ is the Truth. Jesus Christ is the Life.
The LORD is so good 8- The Lord is so good. Tell it wherever you go. The Lord is good to tell it that look it that others people may know.
STANDING ON THE PROMISES 9- Trusting in the promises of Christ my King. Through eternal years in His praise be.
The name of Jesus 10-The name of  Jesus is much sweet I love the name to say again. It makes my joys full and satisfied The wonderful name of Jesus.
GOD WILL KEEP YOU 11- God will keep you. God will keep you. God will keep you.
LORD, I GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU 12- Lord, I give my life to You. Lord, I give my life to You 
God be with you 13- God be with you til we meet again. God be with you til we meet you again. 
Nearer My God to thee 14- Nearer my God to You nearer to You. Nearer my God to You nearer to You.
HOLY JESUS IS HOLY PURE 15- Holy Jesus is holy pure. Holy Jesus is holy pure.
The Lord loves you 16- The Lord loves you.
The Lord loves you. The Lord loves you.
God is Peace 17- God is peace. God is peace. God is peace.

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