1. In the beginning, God made the heavens and earth. All was dark and empty. So God said, Let there be light and there was light He called the light day and the darkness night And that was the first day.
2. Then God said, Let there be bodies of water and above them a sky And it was so That was the second day.
3. On the third day, God said, Let dry ground appear. He called the dry ground land and the waters He called seas And God saw that it was good. He said Let plants and trees grow up all over the land. Give them seeds to make more plants and trees. And it was so.
4. On the fourth day, God made two great lights the larger one to rule the day and the smaller one to rule the night And He also made the stars. He set them all in the sky to give light to the earth both day and night.
5. Then God said Let the waters be filled with fish and let there be birds with wings to fly above the earth and that was the fifth day.