journal Review What you learned from ‘’It looks like Bible College’’ #2
1.) God made the rivers, the lakes and the big wide sea.
2.) God made dry land to appear. God named the dry land earth.
3.) God looked and was pleased with all He had made.
4.) God made the soft green grass to cover the ground.
5.) God made flowers. He made roses in beautiful colors and daisies in the pretty white and gold.
6.) God made everything that grows on the earth.
7.) And God said,’’Let the waters under the heaven be gathered unto one place and let the dry land appeared.’’
8.) God created two great lights in heaven. The greater light God named Sun. The smaller light God named the Moon.
9.) God made the stars and the lights in the heaven.
10.) God knows all the stars He knows each one by name.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
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