Monday, June 15, 2015

the lost son luke 15

Running away the story the lost son from Luke 15
Jesus told this story about a boy who ran away: Once upon a time, there was boy and his father. Now one day  the boy gets to thinking. Maybe I didn't have my father around telling me what is good for me all the time. I'd be happier. He spoiling my fun he thinks. Does my father really want me to be happy does my father really love me? The son never thought of that before. However, suddenly he doesn't know anymore. So the son goes to his father and says, Dad, I am better off without you. I can look after myself. Just give me my  share of your money. His father is sad but he won't force his boy to stay.  So he gives his son what he wants. The son takes the money and long long journey to far off country. And everything wonderful and perfect for a while He can go wherever he wants be whoever he wants. Sometimes he gets a strange hungry homesick feeling inside his heart however, then he just eats more or drinks more or boys more clothes or goes parties until it goes away. However, soon his money runs out and so do his friends. He ends up getting the only job he can find feeding pigs. One day he is so hungry and so desperate he even tries some piggy food. He wipes his mouth and dusts his mouth and dusts himself off I'm going home. As he starts for home he begins to worry. So he practices his I'm sorry speech. His father runs to him throws his arms around him and can't stop loving and kissing him. Jesus told people this story to show them what God is like and to show people what they are like. God's  children could never run too far or be too lost for God to find them.

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