Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Tuesday Bible class Morning and Evening Devotional at home 2

Jesus was preaching in a court of the temple and in an Attempt  to get him inside trouble the Pharisees ask was it right to pay taxes to Caesar.  In addition, Jesus knew that this was a trick question if He answered yes the people will turn against him. If He answered say no the Romans would arrest him for treason He asked to saw a  Roman coin.  Jesus asked  whose image is this Caesar's .Quickly Jesus returned the coin. Jesus said give to Caesar the things that are his and to God the things that are God's.  John  1:29 The next day John saw Jesus was coming to him and  said  Behold the Lamb of  God which take away the sin of the world.

Monday, May 30, 2016


Monday Bible Evening Class &  Devotional at home  1
¨       Psalm 132:1-2  I lift my eyes to you O God enthroned in heaven. We look to the Lord our God for his mercy just as servant keep their eyes on their master as a slave girl watches her mistress for we have had our fill of contempt. 
¨       Ten commandments
1.) I am the Lord your God who rescued you from slavery in Egypt do not worship any other gods besides me.
2.) Do not worship or  make idols
3.)  Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4.) Observe the Sabbath day the keeping  it holy.
5.)  Honor respect your father and mother.
6.) Do  not murder people.
7.)  Do not commit adultery.
8.)  Do not steal.
9,)  Do not tell falsely testimony against your neighbor.

10.)  Do not covet your neighbor house.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

lesson 6-7

Lesson Bible  stories class #6-7

Matthew 18:45-46  Also the Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man is looking for fine pearls and when he finds one that is unusually fine he goes and sells everything he has and boys that pearl.  Matthew 18:44 The Kingdom of heaven is like this A man happens to find a treasure hidden in happy that he goes and sell everything he has and then goes back and  buys that field.  A strong night wind is stirring up angry waves on the sea of Galilee Jesus disciples are rowing hard against the storm when suddenly they are terrified until they see a figure walking toward them they are terrified until  they see that the man on the water is Jesus Peter gets out of the boat and starts toward Jesus but when he  sees the roughs make lose the faith. Peter: Lord save me. Jesus: O Peter why did you doubt.

Friday, May 27, 2016

lesson 5

Lesson 5 Bible class at home
These who believe in the Son of God have the testimony of God in them. 1 John 5:10a.
Your lives are echoing the Master's word. The news of your life in God is out. We don't even have to say anything anymore you're the message! 1 Thessalonians 1:8 Jesus to his followers Go everywhere in  the world and tell the Good News to everyone. Mark 16:15.

Don't let errors of evil people lead you down the wrong path and make you lose your balance. 2 Peter 3:17.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Bible lesson class 4 at home
Give thanks whatever happens That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus.
Q: What does deserve? A: endless thanks.
God given faith is united with God's eternal covenant of grace.
God given faith is guaranteed is eternal election.
God given faith is tested.
God's  people had walked for three days.
They had not seen any water. They were thirsty.
When they finally saw water they hurried to take a drink.
Oh no the water tasted bad. So Moses prayed and God helped.
God showed Moses a piece of wood. Moses threw it inside the water.
Then the water tasted good
So the drank and splashed. 
But now everyone grew hungry

And there was no food so Moses prayed and God helped

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

lesson 3

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

lesson 3

memory verseBible stories lesson 3  class at home
Hundreds of years have passed since the Israelites settled in the promised land of Canaan.
 During that time they often turned from God to worship heathen idols a result they have
weak almost slaves of their enemies the Philistines to some it seems that God has forgotten
his promise to make Israel strong. At the tabernacle at Shiloh Eli high priest watched the
faithful come to worship he notices a woman and suddenly  he became angry.
Hannah  acted as if she was drunk how dare she insulted God. Angrily He accused her.  
Hannah said no-no-no I am not drunk. I am  not happy and in my sorrow I have poured

out my heart to God asking him  to help me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

lesson 2

Review lessons bible class notes #1
·        Creation: God's awesome handiwork before the beginning of time before there was anything else there was God. Can you imagine there was only God. From nothing he created the universe he made the earth and sky he created the light which called   day he also created the darkness called  night.
·        Adam and Eve: God made Eve from one of Adam's ribs., Eve was first woman on earth. Eve is the human race. Adam was the first man on the earth. God created Eve so Adam wouldn't be lonely. Adam and Eve lived in a garden Eden God told them not to eat  fruit from the tree.  Adam and Eve disobeyed God they ate fruit from the tree.
·        Cain and Abel: Cain worked with crops farmer Abel worked as sheep. God accepted Abel's gift. God refused accept Cain's gift.
·        Noah was good man who obeyed God he built ark.
·        Cana was a village where Jesus did his first miracle He turned water to wine.
Lesson 2 Bible story class at home
Matthew 25:14 At that time the Kingdom of heaven will be like this Once there was a man who was about to leave home on  a trip he called his servant and put them in charge of his property.  The first four books of the new testament are called the gospels which means good news  about Jesus his life teaching death and resurrection because the books are alike in many ways the facts  have have seen combined  to tell one story.  to everyone Jesus says I am the way no one can come to God but by  me

Monday, May 23, 2016

lesson 1

Lesson 1 Bible story class at home

Would  you care Sarah? Yes Abraham everyone expects you to be head of our tribe someday. One evening Abraham talks to Sarah the  most beautiful girl in his father's camp. It's only the moon Sarah not something to worship. Abraham be careful many people here worship the moon God they might hear you and do you harm. Sarah I love and want you to be my wife, however it's only fair that you should know I do not believe in the moon God there is only one God who made the moon the stars the sun even us.  A few days later a caravan stops at Terah's camp. May we camp sell our goods in Ur? You are welcome my son Abraham will show your men where to water your camels. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

lesson 12

Lesson 12 Bible class at home
So David's fame spread throughout every land the Lord made all the nations fear him.

Sing to the Lord all the earth. So God went to David and said to him this is what the Lord says take your choice three years of famine three months of being swept away.  One day in  Terah's camp there is great excitement everyone is getting  ready for  a treat to Ur. May we trade our wool for anything we wasn't father. Yes Abraham but first you must help me load our supplies. Look green beans and melon. We'll trade some of our supplies for fresh vegetables then you haran and nahor may go into the city. A  throw stick for your bad of wool it's a deal imagine throwing a  stick that will come back  to you. what is that tower.  It  is temple to the moon God. back to home.

Friday, May 20, 2016

lesson 11

Lesson 11 Bible class  at home
What did John see? A Beautiful City.

The headwater is so  surprised when he tastes the wine that he calls the groom away from the feast. Sir the best wine is usually served first but you have saved the best to the last. I'm glad if people are happy. When Jesus'  disciples  heard about the miracle. They were excited they too talk about it as they went down to Jerusalem with Jesus for the Passover feast the city is crowded with people whoever have heard John the Baptist told about the coming of the messiah how will recognize him they ask. As Jesus walked through the busy streets he healed the lame and the sick. I can walk praise be to the Lord this man healed me. Because of these miracles People begin to ask is Jesus the messiah one night after the streets are empty a judge of the Jewish  supreme court stole through the streets of Jerusalem on a secret mission.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

lesson 10

Lesson 10 Bible class at home

Philip was so excited about seeing Jesus that he hurried to tell a friend Nathanael come with me I found the savior Nathanael doubts such news but he agreed to see for himself as they approach Jesus behold a man in whom there is nothing deceitful how do you know me,  Before Philip called you you were sitting under a fig tree thinking about God saw you there you are the savior Nathanael forgets everything else and joins Jesus and his friends as they travel north to Galilee at the crossroads Peter and Andrew turn off to their home near the sea of Galilee the others go to  Cana. When they reach the town they are greeted by a friend of Jesus please come to my  wedding feast your mother will be there. Thank you we would like to share your happiness. During the feast Mary discovered something that will embarrass the groom there was no more wine she told Jesus then she goes to the servant. Go whatever he told you. Fill these jars with water. Why water it's wine we need. But the servants sense a strange authority in Jesus and they obey him. Now take some to the headwater why it was wine it is miracle this man must be prophet of God no ordinary man could do such a thing. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Lesson 9 bible class at home

What kind of talk if that how I can work with a man I cannot understand for they can't understand one other the buildings are confused they stop working on the tower one by one the families whoever speak the same languages move away the giant tower called was Babel begins to crumble. Some of the families moved down the superheated river and there build the great trading city of Ur others pitch their tents on the plans beyond the Bible traces the generations from Noah's son Shem to Tribal chieftain named terah whoever lives outside Ur.    

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

lesson 8

Lesson 8 Bible class at home

A tower that will reach to heaven how beautiful it is! It can be seen for miles in the time of danger we will daily our forces around it no one is going to conquer and scatter us with  this tower we'll be immiscible.But God is displeased with the peoples degree for fame and power to stop their work on the tower he causes the people to speak in different languages.  

Monday, May 16, 2016


Lesson 7 Bible class at home

How good it is to walk on  the ground again. Yes-to feel going under your feet and warm sunshine on your face. All that was evil has been destroyed through us God is giving mankind a new start We must obey God and teach all who follow us to do so as soon as Noah leaves the ark he builds an altar here he thanks God for his care and asks God's guidance in helping Noah and his family to make a new start. Then God makes a promise to Noah and to all his children forever. While the earth remain seedtime and harvest and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease neither there any more be  a flood to destroy the earth. How beautiful surely God is good to us. Yes and whenever people  see a rainbow in the sky  they will be remained of God's promise that never again will a flood destroy the earth. In the years after the flood Noah's sons Shem Ham and Japheth and their families move  down to the river valley their families grow larger in the mountains and plans are dotted with the tents of shepherd tribesman and rich river valleys with growing cities. As those from the cities work together they become proud of the things they can build they even dream of a great tower. We'll build it high enough to reach heaven it will make us famous and powerful.  

Saturday, May 14, 2016

lesson 6

Lesson 6  Bible class at home

Your wickedness cannot continue. Turn away from your idol worship return to God who created us and gave us all  that we have listen to Noah He thinks he's better than anyone else. What's his goodness done for him? But Noah remains true God and one day God speaks to him the earth is filled with violence. I will destroy those which I have  created make an ark for I will surely bring a flood of waters upon the earth. Noah obeys God and sets to work building an ark according to the directions given him by God. Poor Noah he thinks he can float a boat on dry  land. What will he think of next? When the ark is completed God directs Noah and his family to enter and to take with them seven pairs of each and of animal and bird that is good to eat and one that is good to eat and one pair of each kind not used for food. How I have seen everything old Noah spent one hundred twenty (120) years building that ark but he never thought about who would close the door. Either He is crazy or he knows something we don't wonder Don't you start preaching like Noah. Then suddenly one day lightning flashing the very windows of heaven open and the rains four down. I don't like the looks of this. Maybe Noah has right about his ark. Don't worry there's never been enough water here to float a boat before yes but it never rained like this before look the great door of Noah's ark is closing. Yes it's being shut by a great invisible hand. The rains four down steadily forty days and forty nights waters flows over the land  and rises above the mountaintops. All the earth is covered only Noah's great ark survives  the flood destroys all that is evil.  At last water level drops and the ark rests on the top of the mountains of Ararat I will send out a dove if it does not comes back we will know it has found land. But the done returning. Noah sends out a done again and it returns an olive branch that means out some land must be dry again. Seven days later Noah sends out a dove a third time it does not return because it was  found a place to nest go a little over a year after the flood began Noah steps on dry land once more he his family and the animals in the ark are the only creatures on earth. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

lesson 5

Lesson 5 Bible class at home
I tell you open your eyes, Look at the fields that are ready for harvesting now. John 4:35.
The Lord's teachings are perfect Psalm 19:7
Who was Israel's first king? Saul was Israel's first king. People were impressed with Saul because he was so tall at first Saul was a  good King. He trusted God and showed good judgment but later he began to forget God.
Noah was good man because he obeyed God. He built ark. He had wife and three sons.

Friday, May 13, 2016


Lesson 5 Bible class at home
I tell you open your eyes, Look at the fields that are ready for harvesting now. John 4:35.
The Lord's teachings are perfect Psalm 19:7
Who was Israel's first king? Saul was Israel's first king. People were impressed with Saul because he was so tall at first Saul was a  good King. He trusted God and showed good judgment but later he began to forget God.
Noah was good man because he obeyed God. He built ark. He had wife and three sons.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

lesson 4

Lesson 4 Bible class at home
Who will live with Jesus forever: All real believers.

 In a lonely pasture Cain murdered his brother Abel. Cain was sure nobody saw the murder however, suddenly the killer is afraid do someone see him who? He looks around and then he hears the voice of God asking where is your brother? I-I don't know am I my brother's keeper. God knows I killed Abel. Terrified Cain hears God's verdict as punishment for murdering Abel Cain must leave home and forever be a fugitive. Oh God please this punishment is more than I can take. However God's sentence was carried out Cain fled to a land called nod there he married and built the first city which he named for his son Enoch. Adam and Eve are heartbroken by the lose their son Abel. Our house brought this tragedy on ourselves Eve and do Cain however, God has been good to us let's ask him to help us now. In time a third son is born to them we will call him Seth. And we will teach him to obey God the way Abel do. Again Adam and Eve's prayers are answered for Seth learns to obey to God two of his descendants are Enoch who walked with God and Methuselah whoever died at the age of 969 the oldest man who ever lived.  But as generations page people again turn away from God they lie cheat murder. They worship the sun and the moon and  stars and bow down before idols. But there was one man Noah who looks upon the  sinfulness with fear. How long will God allow this wickedness to continue?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

lesson 3

Image result for cain and abelesson 3 Bible class at home

Outside the Garden of Eden the land is  barren hot and dry weary alone and frightened Adam and Eve search until they find a place to make a home. Remember how beautiful Eden was if only yes if only we had obeyed God we must make certain that we teach our children so that they don't make the mistake we do so Adam teaches their sons Cain and Abel some about God. He  made the earth and everything we have. I like to think of God giving me my little lamb. How can I think him when you're older Abel you can give God the best of your flock  he told us we should make sacrifices to show our thankfulness as the boys grow to manhood Abel plans for the day when he can give his thank offering to God but of his crops if Abel gives God sacrifices I will have to thanks only of his crops if Abel gives God a sacrifices I will have to offer one too. God is pleased with Abel's gift however, the grudging spirit of Cain displeased God why should God favor my brother it isn't fair. I gave God as much as he did I will get even. At last we're alone this is my chance no  one saw me kill him however, I am scared.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Lesson 2 Bible class at home
Look  Adam how the little bird comes when I call. God is good to us Eve He has given us everything.

Everything but the fruit of the tree of knowledge yes that is forbidden however, Eve wonders and one day she goes alone to tree as she gazes at the forbidden fruit. Satan in the form of a serpent tempt her to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge will  make you wise.  The Lord has forbidden it but if this fruit will make me wise surely there no harm in taking just one bite. It tastes delicious Adam, Adam. Taste it one bite will  do no harm see I have eaten some it is good. But Adam and Eve know they have disobeyed God then they hear his voice calling them I am  afraid quick lets hide. In the stillness of the garden they hear God ask have you eaten the fruit that I told you not to eat. Eve gave me some fruit and I ate it the serpent tempted me. Because Adam  and  Eve disobeyed God. God told Adam and Eve that they must leave the beautiful garden and work hard for your living Look a flaming sword guards the enterance we can never go back what can we go what can we

Monday, May 9, 2016

lesson 1

Lesson #1 notes Bible class at home
God created heaven and earth.
God called the light day.
God called the darkness night. It was first day.
God created the sky. It was called sky. it was second day.
God created seas, land dry, grass,  flowers, and trees   it was third day.
God created sun, moon, and stars. it was fourth day.
In addition, God created whales birds, and fish. It was fifth day.

God created man He named the man was Adam. Also God created the woman He called the woman Eve. It was sixth day. God rested on seventh day.  a

Saturday, May 7, 2016

journal 1

Notes at bible class home #1
The fear of the Lord is the beginning knowledge but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7
Praise the Lord Sing to the Lord a new song his praise in the assembly of the saints. Psalm 140:1.
My son do not forget my teaching but keep my commands in your heart. Proverbs 3:1.

Friday, May 6, 2016


God's word is alive and working.
God's word    judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.
You were born again through God's living message that continues forever.
God's word is alive and powerful.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

journal 4

Day 4
The Wise Men part 1
Far away one cold dark night some wise men saw a strange new light.
They looked at the sky and wondered why one star should be so big and bright.
Then one of them said, the star must mean that something great is happening.
A special king was born and that's the reason for this light.

God made Heaven and earth from nothing.
God used his great power and God is good.
On the first day God said let there be light.
God called the light day. God called the dark night.
God began to the make the world.

God made the rivers the lakes and the big wide sea.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

journal 2

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

journal 2

Day 3

In the Bible the word leprosy is used for a number of skin disease. Many of the skin diseases could be cured but real leprosy was incurable and slowly killed the sufferer. Today doctors know how to cure leprosy. Leprosy was infectious so lepers had to live apart from everybody else. They were allowed to live together in groups to help each other. There were laws to make sure that everyone know had leprosy.   

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


How should we pray? This is how Jesus taught His followers to pray: Praise God Tell Him how wonderful He is. Pray that He will do whatever He wants even if it is not what we want. Tell God that we trust Him to do what is best no matter how He answers our prayers. Pray for what we know we need that includes praying for what other people need especially our friends and family. Ask God's forgiveness for the things we have done wrong. At the same time forgive others who have done wrong thing to us. Ask God to help us not do wrong things. I trust God to do what is best. When you are praying and you remember that you are angry with another person about something then forgive him if you do this then your heavenly Father will also forgive your sins. God is eternal without a beginning or end in the beginning God created all things. In the beginning God created the heaven and earth.

Monday, May 2, 2016

day 1

Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 1 short story Breakfast on the Beach

Jesus was alive again his friends had seen Him two times one evening Peter said, I'm going now. He and his friends went out in a boat at night. All night long threw out their big nets back in. But there were no fish they did all night still no fish the sun began to rise. Peter could see someone on the shore. The man called out did you catch any fish? No Peter shouted back. The man said, throw nets on the right side of the boat.