Monday, May 16, 2016


Lesson 7 Bible class at home

How good it is to walk on  the ground again. Yes-to feel going under your feet and warm sunshine on your face. All that was evil has been destroyed through us God is giving mankind a new start We must obey God and teach all who follow us to do so as soon as Noah leaves the ark he builds an altar here he thanks God for his care and asks God's guidance in helping Noah and his family to make a new start. Then God makes a promise to Noah and to all his children forever. While the earth remain seedtime and harvest and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease neither there any more be  a flood to destroy the earth. How beautiful surely God is good to us. Yes and whenever people  see a rainbow in the sky  they will be remained of God's promise that never again will a flood destroy the earth. In the years after the flood Noah's sons Shem Ham and Japheth and their families move  down to the river valley their families grow larger in the mountains and plans are dotted with the tents of shepherd tribesman and rich river valleys with growing cities. As those from the cities work together they become proud of the things they can build they even dream of a great tower. We'll build it high enough to reach heaven it will make us famous and powerful.  

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