Monday, February 15, 2010

Live Peaceably with All

"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." (Romans 12:18)

How does a representative of a king live? He lives in a manner worthy of the king. One characteristic of God our King is his peace-making nature. How did Jesus live? He was making peace with the world. As far as it depended on him, he was at peace with others. Some people would not have him. They hated him and quarreled with him at every opportunity. But as far as his behavior went, Jesus lived peaceably with all.

1. According to this passage, what is your responsibility towards others?

2. Think of a situation in your life right now where you have had or still to have a problem being at peace with someone. What can you do to try and improve the relationship?

3. After you have done what you can to put the situation right, what will you do if the relationship still doesn't improve?

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